The critical element in a successful representation in an alleged domestic violence case is for the Court and the DA’s office, to be comfortable that no such conduct will occur in the future, while the case is pending.

The path to a successful result (a dismissal of the criminal charges) is often to proactively engage in some form of counseling as the case is progressing. This is not to say that the client necessarily needs counseling, but a willingness to engage in counseling shows the DA's office that there is very little threat of a problem going forward between the parties. Few criminal defendants are willing to engage in any such counseling until they are forced to do so by the court. Mr. McCarthy’s goal is a dismissal of the criminal charges as quickly as possible. A relatively brief amount of counseling, engaged in voluntarily, in a proactive manner, can aid in that process significantly.

By being proactive about our conduct going forward, we distinguish ourselves in the mind of the Court and the DA's office.  With the dismissal of the criminal charges being the ultimate goal of Mr. McCarthy's office.